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Pembagian Tugas/Roles Hero Pada DotA

Apakah itu Roles? Dalam kamus Inggris-Indonesia, Role diartikan sebagai Peran/Tugas. Nah di dalam dunia DotA, Roles sangat penting untuk kita ketahui (meskipun saya sendiri sering main solo). Banyak sekali macam2 role yang akan dijelaskan di bawah. Sebenarnya sudah banyak orang yang mengetahui ini. Tapi juga ada yang belum mengerti. Jadi akan dijelaskan secara detil disini, yang meliputi jenis hero, carry heroes, tanker heroes, ganker heroes, pusher heroes, support heroes, tipe hero berdasarkan pembagian tersebut, initiator heroes, nuke heroes, TB heroes, dan pembagian tugas semua hero dalam DOTA. Silahkan disimak dan dipelajari.
Jenis Hero
Pembagian hero berdasarkan tugas atau peran secara umum dibagi kedalam 4 jenis, yaitu :
1. Carry (Istilahnya : Pembalik keadaan)
2. Gank
3. Tank (Istilahnya: Badak, TB, dll)
4. Support
5. Push

Carry Heroes

Disebut juga sebagai pembalik keadaan (counter). Banyak orang mengatakan hero carry itu hero late yg timnya berharap kepadanya untuk “JADI”. Nah, jadi hero-hero ini diharapkan untuk JADI duluan, “JADI” biasa dipakai untuk mengatakan bahwa hero tersebut telah mempunyai item yang dapat membunuh beberapa lawan dalam sekali tebas.

Ciri – Ciri :
–> Sebagai ‘Pahlawan Super’ di tim, yang bisa membalikkan keadaan
–> Bisa membunuh 1-2 bahkan lebih dalam sekali war
–> Hero type ini harus stay di lane/hutan untuk farming sebanyak-banyaknya dan TIDAK PERLU sering-sering keliling untuk nge-gap musuh. Itu bukan tugas hero ini. Biarkan hero lain (type support ato ganker) dateng ke lane Anda untuk nge-gap hero musuh di lane-mu!
–> Perlu skill yang tinggi, yaitu jago farming dan pintar membaca situasi untuk bisa bertahan hidup. Ingat: hero ini awal-awal game sangatlah lemah biasanya dan cenderung menjadi sasaran hero-hero ganker musuh. EXTRA hati-hatilah kalo memakai hero ini, jangan cenderung menyalahkan tim Anda yang lupa/telat bilang “miss”.

Contoh Skill yg mendukung Carry :

- Scaling Offensive : Coup de Grace, Headshot, Arcane Orb
- Scaling Survival : Morph, Backtrack, Bristleback
- Image/Cloning : Conjure Image, Juxtapose, Replicate
- Counter Attack : Chronosphere, Haunt, Sunder
- Dan lain lain

Ganker Heroes
Dalam bahasa Indo, Gank diartikan sebagai Geng atau Tim. Gank bisa juga disebut Roam Heroes. Tugasnya keliling atau gonta-ganti lane. Juga perlu teamwork yang kuat bagi hero-hero ini. Hero ini bertindak sebagai preman dan satpam untuk satu map, saat hero carry berusaha melakukan tugasnya.

Ciri – Ciri :
–> Kerjaannya keliling map untuk nge-gap musuh baik bersama teman atau sendiri
–> Mempunyai nuking atau disabling atau slowing skill
–> Perlu teamwork dan komunikasi dengan tim

Contoh Skill yg Mendukung Gank :

- Disables : Magic Missile, Avalanche, Fissure
- Slows : Shadow Strike, Viper Strike, Enchant
- Nuke : Heat Seeking Missile, Laguna Blade, Finger of Death
- Movement Enhancers : Blink, Sprint, Waveform
- Dan lain lain

Tanker Heroes
Nah kalo ini sebagian besar pasti tau. Tank umumnya berdarah tebal dan mestinya hero-hero tipe STR yang bisa disebut Tank. Otomatis hero ini berada di depan untuk menahan badan bagi anggota tim yang lain.

Ciri – Ciri :
–> Bisa bertahan paling lama sewaktu war
–> Punya HP atau armor yg tinggi
–> Biasanya sebagai initiator atau “pembuka” war
–> Harus berani maju paling depan dan sadar akan batas hero Anda (Just don't be stupid, bedakan antara berani dan bodoh)

Contoh Skill yg Mendukung Tank :

- Self-Survival : Kraken Shell, Great Fortitude, Dragon’s Blood
- Self-Centered : Reverse Polarity, Ravage, Berseker’s Call
- Attacker Punishing : Return, Counter Helix, Craggy Exterior
- Lead-in : Gush, Life Break, Storm Bolt
- Dan lain lain
Support Heroes
Support Heroes atau hero hero support bertugas membantu anggota tim yang lain. Biasanya hero ini punya buff-buff khusus. Misalnya kaya Heal, Repel, dll.

Ciri – Ciri :
–> Kalau lagi war berada di belakang
–> Menggunakan item seperti mekans, guinsoo
–> Mempunyai skill healing, restore mana
–> Tergantung dengan skills

Contoh Skill yang Mendukung Support :

- Disables : Shackles, Fireblast, Ice Path
- Heals : Nature’s Attendant, Voodoo Restoration, Purification
- Ally Buffs : Command Aura, Chakra Magic, Bloodlust
- Enemy Debuff : Maledict, Weave, Heartstopper Aura
- Dan lain lain
Pusher Heroes
Pusher heroes atau hero push bertugas cuma menjebolkan 1 lane, dan biasanya tidak pernah pindah kemana mana. Hero carry tidak jarang melakukan hal ini tentu dibantu dengan initiator

Ciri-Ciri :
–> Tidak pindah-pindah lane lane
–> Ahli creeping
–> Harus 1 lane sama tanker
–> Jebolin 1 lane tertentu.

Contoh Skills yang Mendukung Push :

- Nukes Area : Dragon Slaves, Dual Breaths, Lightning Storm
- Summon : Summon Spirit Bear, Spawn Spiderlings, Mirror Image
- Siege : Diabolic Edict, Netherblast, Land Mines
- Map Coverage : Teleportation, Dark Rift, Haunt
Heroes And The Roles

Dibawah ini merupakan tugas tugas hero yang ada di DOTA, silahkan di cek :

Morning Tavern:

Vengeful Spirit – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Lord of Olympia – Gank/Support hero, solo
Enchantress – Gank/Support/Push hero, solo
Morphling – Carry/Tank hero, solo or lane with ally
Crystal Maiden – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Rogue Knight – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally
Naga Siren – Gank/Carry/Push hero, lane with ally
Earthshaker – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Stealth Assassin – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally
Lone Druid – Carry/Push hero (Bear tanks), solo
Slayer – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Juggernaut – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or jungle

Sunrise Tavern:

Silencer – Carry/Support hero, solo or lane with ally
Treant Protector – Tank/Support hero, lane with ally
Enigma – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Keeper of the Light – Support/Push hero, lane with ally
Ursa Warrior – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally or jungle
Ogre Magi – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Tinker – Gank/Carry or Support/Push hero, solo
Prophet – Gank/Support/Push or Carry hero, lane anywhere or jungle
Phantom Lancer – Carry, lane with ally
Stone Giant – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Goblin Techies – Support/Push/Defend hero (gank with Suicide), lane with ally
Holy Knight – Gank/Support/Push hero, lane with ally or jungle

Light Tavern:

Moon Rider – Carry or Gank/Push hero, lane with ally, jungle or solo
Dwarven Sniper – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Troll Warlord – Carry hero, solo
Shadow Shaman – Gank/Support/Push hero, lane with ally
Bristleback – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally or solo
Pandaren Brewmaster – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally
Centaur Warchief – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally or jungle
Bounty Hunter – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally
Dragon Knight – Tank/Carry/Push hero, lane with ally
Anti-Mage – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally
Drow Ranger – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Omniknight – Gank/Support/Tank hero, lane with ally

Dawn Tavern:

Beastmaster – Gank/Support/Tank hero, lane with ally or jungle
Twin Head Dragon – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Alchemist – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or jungle
Priestess of the Moon – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Storm Spirit – Gank/Carry or Support hero, lane with ally or solo
Sacred Warrior – Tank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Templar Assassin – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally or solo
Faerie Dragon – Gank/Support/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo

Midnight Tavern:

Soul Keeper – Tank/Carry hero, lane with ally, solo or jungle
Tormented Soul – Gank/Support/Push hero, lane with ally or solo
Lich – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Death Prophet – Support/Push hero, lane with ally
Demon Witch – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally or solo
Venomancer – Gank/Carry/Push hero, lane with ally
Magnataur – Tank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo top/bottom
Necro’lic – Gank/Tank/Push hero (Gargoyles scout), lane with ally or solo
Chaos Knight – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally
Lycanthrope – Tank/Carry/Push hero, lane with ally or jungle
Broodmother – Gank/Carry/Push hero, lane with ally, sometimes solo or jungle
Phantom Assassin – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally

Evening Tavern:

Gorgon – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Night Stalker – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally (gank at night)
Skeleton King – Tank/Support or Carry hero, lane with ally
Doom Bringer – Tank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Nerubian Assassin – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally or solo
Slithereen Guard – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally
Queen of Pain – Gank/Carry or Support hero, lane with ally or solo
Bone Fletcher – Carry hero, solo
Faceless Void – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally
Netherdrake – Gank/Carry/Support hero, lane with ally or solo
Lightning Revenant – Carry/Push hero, solo any lane
Lifestealer – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally

Twilight Tavern:

Oblivion – Gank/Support/Push hero, lane with ally
Tidehunter – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally
Bane Elemental – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Necrolyte – Support/Push/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Butcher – Gank/Support/Tank hero, lane with ally or solo
Spiritbreaker – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally
Nerubian Weaver – Gank/Carry hero, solo
Shadow Fiend – Gank/Carry hero, solo
Sand King – Gank/Support/Tank hero, lane with ally
Axe – Gank/Tank/Carry hero, lane with ally or jungle
Bloodseeker – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or solo
Lord of Avernus – Gank/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally

Dusk Tavern:

Spectre – Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally
Witch Doctor – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Obsidian Destroyer – Carry hero, lane with ally or solo middle
Warlock – Gank/Support/Push/Carry hero (Infernal tanks), lane with ally
or solo
Geomancer – Gank/Carry or Support/Push heroes (max of 4 heroes at level 16),
lane with ally or jungle
Shadow Priest – Gank/Support hero, lane with ally
Pit Lord – Support/Carry/Tank hero, lane with ally or jungle
Undying – Carry/Push hero (Zombies tank), lane with ally or jungle
Dark Seer – Gank/Carry hero, lane with ally or jungle

Itu dia gan, penjelasan mengenai tugas tugas di DotA. semoga postingan ini dapat membantu kalian untuk menentukan tugas dari hero masing-masing.

Chord Lagu Yanagi Nagi - Yukitoki

Gan, anime yang satu ini adalah salah satu anime favorite saya. apalagi op-nya. nih silakan dipelajari.

Hi no michiru kono heya
Dm C Bb
Sotto toki wo matsu yo


F C Dm C
Kizukeba fukan de nagameteru hako
Bb Am G C
Onaji mesen wa naku
F C Dm C
Itsushika kokoro wa hakushoku futoumei
Bb Am G C
Yuki ni ochita hikari mo chiru

Bb Am Dm
Kumo kara koboreru tsumetai ame
Bb Am G
Me wo harasu no wa tooi harukaze dake

F C Dm C
AZAREA wo sakasete Atatakai niwa made
Bb Am G C
Tsuredashite tsuredashite Nante ne
F C Dm C
Shiawase dake egaita Otogibanashi nantenai
Bb Am G C
Wakatteru wakatteru Soredemo ne
Soko e ikitai no

F C Dm C
Muzukashii suushiki dare mo tayorazu
Bb Am G C
Toite akashite kita
F C Dm C
Atarimae datte omotteita kara
Bb Am G C
Nani mo utagawanakatta kedo

Bb Am Dm
Ima kisetsu ga owarou to shite mo
Bb Am G
Tsuite kuru no wa jibun no kage hitotsu

Reff 2:
F C Dm C
Kooritsuita michi wo Hana no ame de umete
Bb Am G C
Mayowanai you ni chanto oshiete ne
F C Dm C
Kiseki dakede dekita Kanzen kesshou wa nai
Bb Am G C
Dakara sou hitotsuzutsu yukkuri to
C#5 C5
Te wo tsunaideiku no
C#5 C5
Mune ni haritsuita garasu
C#5 C5
Tokete nagareru
Hikari afureru sekai Mou sugu

F C Dm C Bb Am G C

Reff 3:
F C Dm C
Hitori de mamotteita Chiisana ano heya wa
Bb Am G C
Sukoshi dake aiteiru basho ga atte
F C Dm C
Zutto shiranakatta'nda Futari demo ii'n datte
Bb Am G C
Wakarazu ni matteita ano hi wa mou

F C Dm C
Yukidoke to isshoni Haru ni kawatte yuku yo
Bb Am G C
Toumei na mizu ni natte soushite ne
F C Dm C
AZAREA wo sakasu yo Nagai fuyu no ato ni
Bb Am G C
Nando demo nando demo Hi no michiru
Kono heya no naka de


Chord Lagu The Babystar - Hikari e

Sesuatu yang lain. chord lagu op 3 one piece, hikarie. silakan disimak dan dipelajari.

C Bb F 2x
Bb G

Reff 1:
C G Am Em
Boku wa ima sagashi hajimeta mizushibuki agete
Hateshinaku tsuzuku sekai e
C G Am Em
Afuredasu jounetsu o mune ni doko made mo yuku yo
F G Bb
Mada minu HIKARI motome

Natsuiro taiyou ga KOKORO no ho o yuraseba
Atarashii sekai e no tobira o hiraku aizu
Am G F
Namima ni yureteru zetsubou o nukete
Am G Bb G
Suiheisen no mukou gawa mezashite

*Back to reff 1


Kimarikitta mainichi o arifureta kumo no nagare
Kimi ni mo utsutteru shiru hazu mo nai mirai
Am G F
Kawaranai koto de kizutsukanakute mo
Am G Bb G
Sore ja yume mo kibou sae mo nai saa yukou

Reff 2:
C G Am Em
Boku wa naze sagashiteru'n darou nani ga hoshii'n darou
Kotae wa kitto sono saki ni
C G Am Em
Ugokidasu sekai no naka e KOKORO shite yuku yo
F G Am
Madaminu CHIKARA himete

D Em F G
C Bb F

Reff 3 :
C G Am Em
Boku wa naze sagashiteru'n darou nani ga hoshii'n darou
F G C G 
Mada minu TAKARA wa doko ni
C G Am Em
Afuredasu jounetsu o mune ni doko made yukeru?
Wakaranai keredo

C G Am Em
Boku wa ima sagashi hajimeta mizushibuki agete
Hateshinaku tsuzuku sekai e
C G Am Em
Afuredasu jounetsu o mune ni doko made mo yuku yo
F G G# Bb
Mada minu HIKARI motome
G# Bb C
Sono mukou e

Chord Lagu Yui - Rolling Star

Gan, satu lagi chord lagu dari bleach Rolling Star. silakan disimak dan dipelajari.

Bm D A G 2x

Mou gaman bakka shiterannai yo
Iitai koto wa iwanakucha
Kaerimichi yuugure no basutei
Ochikon da senaka ni bye bye bye
F#m G
Kimi no fighting pose
F#m G
Misenakya oh oh

Reff 1:
Bm D
Yume ni made mita you na sekai wa
Arasoi mo naku heiwa na nichijou
Bm D
Demo genjitsu wa hibi to rabutte
Tama ni kuyandari shiteru Son'na rolling days 

Bm D A G 2x

Koronjattatte iin janai no
Son toki wa waratte ageru
Norikonda basu no oku kara
Chiisaku hohoemi ga mieta

F#m G
Kimi wo tayori ni
F#m G
Shiteru yo oh oh

Reff 2:
Bm D
Yume ni made mita you na Sweet love
Koibitotachi wa kakure ga wo sagasu no
Bm D
Demo genjitsu wa aenai hi ga
Tsuzukinagara mo shinjiteru no rolling days 

Bm D A G
Oh yeah, oh... Tsumazu itatte way to go
Bm D A G
yeah, yeah! Dorodarake rolling star

F#m G 3x

Em C G
Naru beku egao de itai keredo
Em C G
Mamori nuku tame ni wa shikata nai deshou
Em C G D
Kitto uso nante sou imi wo motanai no
C G/Bm
All my loving
A Bm
Sou ja nakya yatterannai

*Back to reff 1

Bm D A G
Oh yeah oh... Sou Wakatterutte
Bm D A G
Oh yeah oh Tsumazui tatte way to go
Bm D A G
Yeah Yeah Dorodarake rolling star

Bm D A G 2x

Chord Lagu Long Shot Party - Distance

Ini gan, chord gitar op 2 naruto shippuden. silakan di simak dan pelajari.

Reff 1:
You're my friend aa ano hi no yume
G A Bm
Ima de mo mada wasurete nain desho
G A F#m
You are my dream aa hajimatta bakka
Bm G A Bm/D
Kimi no one longest way oh ima tabidatsu yo

Everyday kono saki mo shining day
Kawarazu singin hikaru asa no smile
Kore de miosame no funny days
Tobidatsu future mezashita go far
Kokoro no dream of

Em A D Bm
I'll go the distance mihatenu sora wa blue
Em A
Norikonda star ship
Bm C D
Kore ga saikou no forever trip

*back to reff 1

Reff 2:
Thank you my friend aa ano hi no koto
G A Bm
Ima de mo mada oboeteru kara
G A Bm
You're my dream aa mou nidoto sou modora nai
Days oh I'll go the distance
D Em A D Bm
Kakushikire nai kurai no ooki na uso o tsuite
Em A Em F#m
Nomikomareru hanne kore wa saikou no trip
Make tsuzuke no geemu
Bm C D
Kore kara hajimatteku one dream

*back to reff 1

*back to reff 2

Em F#m G A
Ugokidashita asu e kisetashi nai Flame of Heart
Sou I'll go the distance

Chord Lagu Orange Range - Asterisk

Ini dia gan, chord lagu dari op 1 Bleach asterisk!. ini dia Chordnya,
F G 
Miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari
Am C
Inishie no omoi negai ga jidai o koe iroaseru koto naku todoku
Kirari hitomi ni utsuru dareka no sakebi
Kaze ni omoi o tsuki ni negai o chikara aru kagiri ikitekunda kyoo mo
Bokura no omoi mo itsuka dareka no mune ni
Hikaritsuzukeyoo ano hoshi no yooni

F G Am C
F G Am

Hitotsu futatsu kane no oto wa hibiku
Kokoro no naka e to hiroku fukaku
Monogatari no yoona hoshi no shizuku
Sono naka ni hosoi senro o kizuku
Jikan to tomoni jidai wa ugoku
Nagareru hoshi wa shizuka ni ugoku
Me o tojite mimi o sumaseba good bye

Oozora ippai no shirokuro shashin
Nabiku mafuraa shiroi iki
Sukoshidemo chikazukitakute
Ano takadai made kakeashi de
Omotai booenkyoo toridasu to
Renzu hamidashita sutaadasuto
Jikan o ubawareta jikan
Jidai o koetekuru roman

F Em
Hanate hikari makezuni shikkari ima Toki o koe dareka ni todoku made
Dm G
Eikoo no hikari wa kono mukoo ni Kimitachi to tsukutteiku sutoorii

*Back to reff

Ubugoe ageta chiisana hikari ookina hikari
Jikuu o koe deai
Subete no kagayaki ga hitotsu to nari
Tsukuridasu monogatari
Ten to ten o musubu seiza no yooni
Dareka ni totte Bokura mo kireina e kaketetara iine
Miagete goranyo hora fuyu no daiyamondo
Yuruyakana amanogawa
Sugu yuuki torimodoseru kara

*Back to bridge

*Back to reff

Am A#

Kono sora wa hitotsu dokomademo hiroku
Soo umi no mukoo
Ima umarekuru ibuki tatareru inochi
Hoshi wa terasu megami no gotoku
Nagaku tsuzuku kurikaesu shunka shuntoo no
Isshun demo ii sukoshi de ii Omoi o kizamu
Tada hateshinaku toki o koe kagayakidasu 

F# G# Bb
Monogatari wa kokoro no naka de kagayaiteiru
F# G# Bb
Ano hi no kimi wa itsuka yogisha ni notte 

Reff 2:
F# G#
Miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari
Bb Fm
Inishie no omoi negai ga jidai o koe Iroaseru koto naku todoku
F# G#
Kirari hitomi ni utsuru dareka no sakebi
Bb Fm
Kaze ni omoi o tsuki ni negai o Chikara aru kagiri ikitekunda kyoo mo
F# G#
Miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari
Inishie no omoi negai ga jidai o koe Iroaseru koto naku todoku
F# Fm
Bokura no omoi mo itsuka dareka no mune ni
D#m C#m Bb
Hikaritsuzukeyoo ano hoshi no yooni 
Hikaritsuzukeyoo ano hoshi no yooni

Download Adventure Time 6 Episode 1 & 2

Ini dia gan, episode pertama dengan kedua dari Adventure Time. maaf agak terlambat.

Adventure Time 6 Episode 1 & 2

Ep. 1 Finn dan Jake harus melakukan suatu kejahatan kosmik untuk menemukan ayah Finn.
Ep. 2 Finn dan Jake mengikuti Si Lich ke Citadel, dimana Finn bertemu dengan ayahnya yang telah lama hilang.

Silakan download disini.

Chord Lagu Raiko - Alive

Gan, bagi pecinta gitar dan NARUTO, ini dia chord gitar Naruto ending 4 ALIVE by Raiko.

B F# G#m E
Dare datte shippai wa suru nda
B F# E F# 
BHazukashii koto janai
B F# G#m E
Kono kizu o muda ni shinai de
B F# E F# B
Waratte arukereba ii

B F# G#m E
B F# E F# B
B F# G#m E
B F# E F# B

B F# G#m E
Sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi Hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi
B F# E F# B
Toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi Jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni
B F# G#m E
Takusan no matotteru koukai Kono kizu o muda ni shica shounai
B F# E F# B
Ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai Sou kokkara ga Show Time
B F# G#m E
Ah iroasete kono PORA naka de ikiteru kako no jibun toka
B F# E F# B
Itsumo TSURU nde hi no nai you ni Ibasho mitsukete hiataru you ni
B F# G#m E
Konna kanji de hibi kattou ippo fumidasu beki ganbou
B F# E F# B
Makkou shoubu jibun ni muke issou koko de kono uta hibikasou

*back to reff

B F# G#m E
B F# E F# B

B F# G#m E
Kyou hajimari o tsugeru asayake yume to genjitsu no hazama de
B F# E F# B
What's Say kono koe kareru sono hi madeKorogari tsudzukeru Another Day
B F# G#m E
Shuppotsu shinkou kamase in o shindou kaitaku michi ippon yeah
B F# E F# B
Yagate toori ni hanasake soshite mirai ni mugete habatake
B F# G#m E

Genjitsu omoku nokkaru ga mezase chouten Like a No Culture
B F# E F# B
Saru ga saru ni shikanarenai Oh Jibun wa jibun ni shikanarenai Yo
B F# G#m E
Asu o ki ni shite shita muku mae ni Kyou no jibun no ki no muku mama ni
B F# E F# B
Saisei kyou wa chou kaisei nanimo nayami nankanaize

G#m F 2x

G#m F#
Omoku no shikakaru genjitsu ga
G#m F#
Ima no boku o semetateteru
G#m F#
Kantan ni wa ikanai na
E F#
Sonna koto kurai chouchi shiteru yo

*back to reff

B F# G#m E
Takusan no koukai o matotte
B F# E F# B
Aji no aru hito ni naru sa
B F# G#m E
Kanashimi mo kaze ni kaete
B F# E F# B
Tsuyoku susunde ikereba ii

B F# G#m E
Sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi Hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi
B F# E F# B
Toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi Jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni
B F# G#m E
Takusan no matotteru koukai Sono kizu o muda ni shica shounai
B F# E F# B
Ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai Sou kokkara ga Show Time

B F# G#m E
B F# E F# B

Download Adventure Time 6 episode 3

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Finn dan Jake mengetahui bahwa James tiruan telah memalsukan kematiannya untuk mendapatkan teman dan mengumpulkan medali. Sekarang ada 25 James berlari dalam kerusuhan.

Silakan download disini.Adventure Time 6 Episode 3

Chord Lagu Kanae Itou - Metamerism

Hai gan, apakah kalian penggemar Gadis cumi, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama IKA MUSUME?
Ini adalah chord lagu ending 1 Ika Musume.

Kanae Itou - Metamerism

F      C        Dm      D
waratteiru ima ga itooshikute
Bb       C          F
Hitori ja nai to omotta

Bb                   C        F
Bb                   C   

Bb              C            F
Hajimari wa subete guzen de
Bb         C             F
Sore wa kiseki no meguri ai
Bb     C        Dm       D
Deatta koro wa te saguri de
       Bb                             C            
Demo kawasu kotoba ga ureshikute

Bb                                 Dm
Dare ka ga jibun no namae wo yobu
     Am    A        Dm     C
Atarashii sekai ga mawari hajimeru

Chorus 1
 F       C      Dm    C
Deatta koto shinjiru koto
Bb             F
Atari mae no you de
Bb           C
Sore ga muzukashii
F         C          Dm   D
Waratte uru ima ga ai oshikute
Bb       C      F
Hitori ja nai to omotta

Verse 2:
Bb         C           F
mayottari kizutsukeatte
Bb         C               F
toki ni namida ga koborete mo
Bb     C        Dm       D
boku wa nanimo kowaku nai
       Bb                C  
sou kimi no koto wa wakatteru

Am      A                Dm       
nagareta namida no hitotsubu ga
 C   Bb        Dm           C       
kyou mo mata bokura o chikazuketeiku...aa aa

Bb    C      F(2x)
Bb    C     Dm  D     Bb     C

Dm                 Am      
kimi ni au made shiranaideita
Bb         C          F     
sasai na subarashii hibi o
Dm                Am          A 
kimi ga kureru hikari no tsubu ga
G                           Dm    C   
boku no iro o kaeteiku 

Chorus 2:
F       C        Dm    C
wakeau koto shitteiku koto
Bb             F       Dm        C   
kowai toki mo aru kedo dakishimeyou
F       C        Dm    C
deatta koto shinjiru koto
Bb             F       Dm        C
atarimae no you de sore ga muzukashii
F       C        Dm    D
waratteiru ima ga itooshikute
Bb           C        F        Bb       C
hitori ja nai to omotta

Verse 3:
Bb           C           F
hajimari wa subete guuzen de
Bb         C            F
sore wa kiseki no meguriai
Bb           C       Dm     D  
moshimo ashita ga konakute mo
Bb         C      Bb      F
kimi to ireba waraeru nda


Bb       F (3x)
Bb       C       F

Chord Lagu Aqua Timez - Alones

Halo gan, bagi kalian yang pernah nonton BLEACH, pasti tau ending yang satu ini.
tanpa perlu basa-basi ini dia Chordnya.

Aqua Timez - Alones

Oreta awai tsubasa
Em Am
Kimi wa sukoshi
Em F G C
Aosugiru sora ni tsukareta dake sa
F G Em Am
Mou dareka no tame ja nakute
Em F G Am
Jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo

[Am Em Am Em]

Izen to shite shinobiyoru kodoku
Uchigawa ni tomoru rousoku
Nigiwau ba ni gouka na shanderia to wa urahara ni
Tarinai kotoba no
Kubomi o nani de umetara ii n' darou
Mou wakaranai yo

Am Em
Semete yume no naka de
Jiyuu ni oyogetara anna sora mo iranai no ni
Am Em
Kinou made no koto o
Nuritsubusa nakute mo asu ni mukaeru no ni

Oreta awai tsubasa
Em Am
Kimi wa sukoshi
Em F G C
Aosugiru sora ni tsukareta dake sa
F G Em Am
Mou dareka no tame ja nakute
Em F G Am
Jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo

[Am Em Am Em]

Rettoukan to no wakai wa
Kantan ni wa kanawanaisa
Jiishiki no teppen ni suwaru
Kagami ga utsusu hanabira
Furishiboru you ni
Kogoreta ai wo sakende miru keredo

Am Em
Meguru toki no naka de
Kizuguchi wa yagate
Kasabuta ni kawatte iku
Em Am
Kimi wa sore o matazu
Totemo utsukushiku
Totemo hakanage de

Hagare ochita ato no
Em Am
Ubuge no you ni
Em F G C
Hi damari no naka de furueru inori
F G Em
Ima wa muri ni dareka no koto wo
Am F G Am
Ai sou to omowanakute ii no ni


Toki ni kono sekai wa
Em Am
Ue wo muite
Em F G C
Aruku ni wa sukoshi mabushii sugiru ne
Shizumu you ni
Em Am
Me wo fuseru to
Em F G C
Kawaita chimen ga namida wo susuru

C F G Em Am
Why do we feel so alone anytime?
Em F G C
Subete wo uketomenakute ii yo
C F G Em Am
Why do we feel so alone anytime?
Em F
Koraeru koto dakedo
Yuuki ja nai

[Am Em Am Em]

Download Visual Boy Advanced

Halo gan, kali ini saya akan membagi sebuah Gameboy yaitu Visual Boy Advanced! Bagi kalian yang ingin lagi memainkan game ps 1 maka aplikasi ini wajib di download.

Cara install & cara main
1.       Extract file ke folder yang diinginkan
2.       Buka Visual Gamboy Advanced
3.       Klik File, kemudian Open File/atau bisa juga Ctrl-O :3
4.       Cari gamenya/ROM-nya untuk gameboy tersebut, kemudian klik game/ROM tersebut
5.       Selamat menikmati game tersebut. J

Silakan download disini.
Sekian saja dari saya, mohon berikanlah komen atau kritik mengenai pos saya. mudah mudahan saya bisa lebih baik lagi.